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Allergy to emotions

2019-08-02T18:56:56+01:001 August, 2017|

When Pepa was informed that, due to the complications, she would be admitted in ICU from the ward, she told the health care professional that was attending she was afraid. The answer she received was: "Do you have any allergies?". Why this professional could not tune with the emotion transmitted and why was it ignored?. Sometimes we are afraid of [...]

Healing walks in #3JHUCI

2019-08-02T18:57:01+01:0017 June, 2017|

During the last #3JHUCI,  a module entitled "Breaking the ICU doors" was carried out. Obviously, and as the title suggests... it had to be a shocking module. And I assure you it was. Months earlier, Gabi and a server were talking about the need (and my personal illusion) to include a presentation on the famous #paseosquecuran (healing walks). It´s time to talk about [...]

Fact sheet or information guide for ICU families: YOU decide!

2019-08-02T18:57:01+01:0015 June, 2017|

Four years ago, a group of incredible nurses of Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge (HUB) decided to accompany me in the #benditalocura (holy madness) of carrying out a project to improve the care to the family of people admitted in the ICU. It has been a long road, which has required considerable effort, tenacity and resilience... much resilience. But now, in the end and [...]

Self-care to heal: Yoga & Mindfulness masterclass in the hospital

2019-08-02T18:57:05+01:0024 May, 2017|

Hola a todos, my dear friends. Before flying to Colombia to the National Congress of AMCI, I would like to share and show you something amazing. Last May 8th, a wonderful session took place in Hospital Universitario de Torrejón . Carla Sánchez and Rocío Macías  carried out the first yoga and mindfulness  masterclass as a tool of self-care for health professionals. Proyecto [...]

The care of invisible in Italy

2019-08-02T18:57:06+01:003 May, 2017|

Hola a todos, my dear friends. Almost without realizing it, the TEDxValladolid talk  "The Care of Invisible" has reached 50,000 views. The video (with English subtitles) was included on the website of SIAARTI, Società Italiana di  Anestesia, Analgesia, Rianimazione e Terapia Intensiva, thanks to the collaboration and interest of Nicola Latronico. And perhaps, to celebrate it, Proyecto HU-CI has received an email From Giovanni Mistraletti to ask [...]

Do you have a bed available in the PICU?

2019-08-02T18:57:07+01:002 May, 2017|

I was recently called by a friend who works in an adult ICU. He had been rotating in our pediatric ICU few years ago: - "Hi Javi, sorry to call you during work hours but a colleague from the ICU is having a terrible time. Her daughter is awaiting surgery at your hospital but it has been cancelled again and again for lack [...]

Perú: without complexes and in pole position

2019-08-02T18:57:10+01:0011 April, 2017|

One week after our return from Peru, it is time to place all we lived there at our box of memories. It´s always a pleasant experience to meet people where you feel interest and desire of stop, stop with you and your stories. People who generate expectations for the encounter that make the event more interesting. Expectations fulfilled more tan we dreamed for us, that already occupy [...]

Families in ICU: the evidence of what is obvius

2019-08-02T18:57:12+01:0022 March, 2017|

Hola a todos, my dear friends. Today we are talking about a very interesting open Access article in Intensive Care, published by Drs. Gerritsen, Hartog and Curtis about existing evidence on families-ICU relationship. There is a global trending awareness of the importance family members in the ICU, and the authors point out four reasons why everyone should be incorpórate the relatives in the therapeutic [...]

Yoga & Mindfulness in your hospital

2019-08-02T18:57:12+01:0021 March, 2017|

Hola a todos, my dear friends. We continue giving steps beyond the introduction of Yoga and Mindfulness in hospitals as a self-care tool for everyone: patients, families and professionals. In recent decades, the terms Yoga and Mindfulness have been integrating and spreading gradually up to become part of our society as two of the most effective tools to reach a [...]

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