Hola a todos, my dear friends.
Almost without realizing it, the TEDxValladolid talk “The Care of Invisible” has reached 50,000 views. The video (with English subtitles) was included on the website of SIAARTI, Società Italiana di Anestesia, Analgesia, Rianimazione e Terapia Intensiva, thanks to the collaboration and interest of Nicola Latronico.
And perhaps, to celebrate it, Proyecto HU-CI has received an email From Giovanni Mistraletti to ask permission to expand “La cura dell´invisibile” in 300 Italian waiting room ICUs with the next poster.
We encourage you to visit intensiva.it (this is the English version), a Project supported by different scientific societies of critical care in Italy (SIAARTI, ANIARTI, AAROI EMAC and SIARED) with similar objectives as Proyecto HU-CI we will work together actively to spread this #benditalocura that is working on the humanization of the ICU. Once again, all with the same problems and the same needs, regardless of the place in the world where we are. And that is why we have to work together:
“Il progetto “www.intensiva.it” vuole contribuire a umanizzare le cure, vuole mettere al centro le persone e la loro storia per comprendere, accogliere e cominciare a elaborare la sofferenza, almeno per quanto sarà possibile”.
We are so grateful and excited about this great opportunity.
Together we add more. Viva Italy!
Happy Wednesday.
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