Hola a tod@s, my dear friends. 

Published in ESICM web, the article “South African critical care nurses’ views on end-of-life decision making and practices.” (Nursing in Critical Care, 2013) talks about the results of a survey of ICU nurses in South Africa.

The purpose of the study was to describe end-of-life decision making experiences and practices. The study finds that the majority of nurses are giving effective pain relief; encouraging family presence; ensuring continuity of care, and allowing religious and cultural EOL rituals.”

A significant association was found between ICU experience and active involvement in end-of-life decision making.It has consistently been reported in the literature that most nurses perceive that they do not play an active part in end-of-life decision making.

Another important conclusion: communication must be improved among all, patients, families and professionals because it is very important for the quality of care.

What do you think?
Happy Thursday, 


Langely, G., Schmollgrubber, S., Fulbrook, P, Albarran, J.W. & Latour, J.M. (2013). South African critical care nurses’ views on end-of-life decision making and practices. Nursing in Critical Care, 19, 9-17. Doi: 10.1111/nicc.1206