Blog (en)2019-08-02T18:55:24+01:00

The fly

By |1 March, 2018|

When she told me about her ICU stay, I was surprised with her first phrase: "That ICU, you know, was scary". Fear? I know that ICU and it´s not scary, it´s new and is quite [...]

The Practice of Respect in ICU

By |22 February, 2018|

Although RESPECT and DIGNITY are intuitive concepts, little formal work has addressed their systematic application in ICU. So, Samuel Brown an a multidisciplinary group of relevant experts have done a review of the literature and collaborative [...]

Redesigning the information room

By |20 February, 2018|

When a patient is admitted in the ICU, family members want to stay with this relative and know how he/she is. The information about the patient evolution is an encounter between family and staff. This [...]

Patients and doctors choose Compassion

By |8 February, 2018|

HealthTap, a health technology company serving millions worldwide with its Health Operating System (HOPES™) powered by a network of 108,000 doctors and Artificial Intelligence, released a report that revealed that compassion is more important than cost [...]

Music as therapy in the ICU

By |7 February, 2018|

Reciently, the section What´s new in Intensive Care of Intensive Care Medicine journal has published Adjuvant therapies in critical care: music therapy. The authors reflect on the increasing introduction of music in the ICU, with [...]

The Pause

By |6 February, 2018|

The medical Pause is a practice implemented after the death of a patient. This practice offers closure to both the medical team and the patient. It is a means of transitioning and demarcating the brevity [...]

Opening windows in the ICU

By |31 January, 2018|

Daylight does not only have obvious time limits, also it does not reach confined spaces in hospitals. Our group is testing virtual ilumination solutions in dark boxes where natural light cannot be possible, to provide [...]

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