Hello my dear rascals: I would like to share with you a very interesting post by Dra. Odile Fernández, the author of the book My anticancer recipes Most of us work in our ICUs at any time, and very often in the night shift.

Shift work and particularly work at the night shift has been associated with an increased risk of cancer and the World Health Organization (WHO ) has identified it as a carcinogen.
In a study, nurses working at the night shift had a higher risk of breast cancer. This study was conducted with 78,500 women in the Nurses’ Health Study, and suggested that nurses who worked the night shift for ten years had a 60 % increased risk of breast cancer and an increased risk of colon cancer compared to those that did not work at night .
A Japanese study of more than 14,000 men revealed that workers shifts varying between day and night were three times the rate of prostate cancer.
We all know that the night shift and sleep deprivation bring other problems : memory lapses, increases blood pressure , altered mood and even infertility .
In all of this is related with melatonin hormone, critical to the physical and mental wellbeing.
Although all things seem obvious and health workers often think that nothing affect us, Dra. Fernandez recommends : Always rest the body will ask ; early and light dinner , rest a minimum of 7 hours and activities that do not excessively activate your before bedtime.
In a study, nurses working at the night shift had a higher risk of breast cancer. This study was conducted with 78,500 women in the Nurses’ Health Study, and suggested that nurses who worked the night shift for ten years had a 60 % increased risk of breast cancer and an increased risk of colon cancer compared to those that did not work at night .
A Japanese study of more than 14,000 men revealed that workers shifts varying between day and night were three times the rate of prostate cancer.
We all know that the night shift and sleep deprivation bring other problems : memory lapses, increases blood pressure , altered mood and even infertility .
In all of this is related with melatonin hormone, critical to the physical and mental wellbeing.
Although all things seem obvious and health workers often think that nothing affect us, Dra. Fernandez recommends : Always rest the body will ask ; early and light dinner , rest a minimum of 7 hours and activities that do not excessively activate your before bedtime.
Odile, congratulations for your work. From here my personal appreciation .
From the book My Anticancer recipes. Editorial Uranus
– Schernhammer ES, Kroenke CH, Laden F. Hankinson SE. Night work and risk of breast cancer. Epidemiology. 2006 Jan;17(1):108-11.
– Schernhammer ES, et al. Rotating night shifts and risk of breast cancer in women participating in the nurses’ health study. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2001 Oct 17;93(20):1563-8.
– Megdal SP, Kroenke CH, Laden F, Pukkala E, Schernhammer ES. Night work and breast cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Cancer. 2005 Sep;41(13):2023-32.
– Fernández O, et al. Professional quality of life of the residents physicians. Arch med. 2007;3(1).
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