Hello everybody my beloved rascals.
Today, this is my question
Most of us work with critically ill patients, with the objective of returning the patient to their situation prior to the illness. Many times we get it, but not so many. And the truth is that we get to be discharged to ward our patients and there the relationship with him or her ends.
Some continue their evolution in ward thanks to a visit or the electronic clinical review: many of them will fall out of ICU ‘hanging by a thin thread’ and many others live a lengthy stay in plant rehabilitation, recover physically and psychologically and ultimately improve.
Thanks to Linkedin, Magdalena del Rosario contacted me a couple of weeks ago. She is the Secretary of ASERMA, a non-profit association located in Madrid dedicated to the Integral service of people since 1999.
The Council of Europe defines dependency as a situation in which, for reasons linked to the lack or loss of physical, psychological or intellectual autonomy, a person needs assistance and/or important supports in order to perform the basic daily activities of life (BDAL)
There must happend the concurrence of three factors:
– Physical, psychic or intellectual limitation
– Inability to perform the BDAL
-Need for assistance by third parties.
Social and health care needs arise essentially from aging, chronic diseases and all those ailments, physical or psychological, that lead to dependence. Many of our patients are in this limbo.
Therefore, take appropriate measures to comprehensive care should be a necessity of
first order, among the basic objectives of the Society.
ASERMA, beyond their technical expertise, put in value his experience as a fact differential: commitment, expertise, personalized care, involvement, support, respect for privacy and dignity.
From HU-CI project, we would like to provide information on human and professional resources to support our families and patients. This is a problem for everybody, because at any time we may be involved in a disease process. There is no greater anguish that not knowing who to contact or what to do, and I feel that we are obliged to give cross attention to critical patients, both in acute and recovery phase.
Many thanks to ASERMA for their work and his experience.
The initiative makes Madrid a little better, without any doubt.
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