IC-HU Project begins the specific activities to call everyone to action, with a measure in which we need your participation and interaction:
We ask you that, in all of Spain and the rest of the world, remove the ICUs mechanical fasteners to your patients, and share a photo in our @HUMANIZALAUCI twitter account or Facebook Group HUMANIZANDO LOS CUIDADOS INTENSIVOS . And of course, that you give diffusion to the Hashtag to all your contacts.
“… mechanical fasteners are something that violates a fundamental right such as the right to freedom. Used in excess or inappropriately, they can be interpreted as a form of “abuse”, “negligence” or “abuse”…”. (Defender of the people, Comunidad Autónoma País Vasco 2009)
The use of physical restraints in intensive care units is a common practice although its use has no scientific basis or their benefits are tested. In addition, we have little bibliography on perceive the use of the same patients and their families despite the fact that it is a controversial subject. We argue that they are used to reduce the risk of “disruption of the therapeutic measures” but does it in all cases?.
While it is true that only used fastening system are the wristbands we should do a reflection to establish interventions that reduce their use without losing the safe care to patients and not to forget that this practice can lead to legal implication for the professional.
The use of restraints should not be an alternative to inadequate human or environmental resources and reflect on this issue makes us separate ourselves from matters merely technicians of the critical patient to get closer to the real needs that are well worth our attention and also our effort so that care remains safe rethinking care model with the integration of the family as an example to decrease the use of restraints.
Conchi Faura
ICU Nurse, Hospital Universitario de Torrejón.
Fariña-López E, Camacho Cáceres AJ, Estevez-Guerra GJ, Bros i Serra M. Accidentes asociados al uso de restricciones físicas en ancianos con transtornos cognitivos: estudio de tres casos. Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol. 2009; 44: 262-5.
Documento técnico SEGG Nº3. (2003) Hacia una cultura sin restricciones: las restricciones físicas en ancianos institucionalizados. Grupo de trabajo Julio 2003.
Fariña López, E.; Estévez Guerra, G.J. La restricción física de los pacientes siglos XIX Y XX. Revista Rol de Enfermería 2011; 34 (3): 182-189.
A.I. Perez de Ciriza Amatriaina, A. Nicolas Olmedoa, R. Go.ni Viguria a, E. Regaira Martineza, M.A. Margall Coscojuelab y M.C. Asiain Erroa. Restricciones físicas en UCI: su utilización y percepción de pacientes y familiares. Enfermería Intensiva. 2012; 23(2):77-86
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