Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.

Demolisher headline, isn´t it?.

It is one of the results of the article The Impact of Hospital and ICU Organizational Factors on Outcome in Critically Ill Patients: Results From the Extended Prevalence of Infection in Intensive Care Study recently published in Critical Care Medicine and signed by Andrew Rhodes, Niall Ferguson or Jean-Louis Vincent, almost nothing.

In the study, collecting results of 1265 ICUs from 75 countries, refers to a ratio of 1: 1.5 with independent association with reduced in-hospital mortality, compared to the 1:2 ratio.

The article emphasizes the importance of having an appropiate staff , primarily when patients are more severe condition. A worst nursing ratio brings greater possibility of errors, distractions and interruptions.

American ICUs have a ratio of nursing/patient 1: 1.5 in the morning and 1:1.6 at evening. The ratios of Western Europe and Latin America are worse.

If one looks around, asks how we must say things to those responsible for managing and directing our ICUs. What has to happen? Because of course there is enough evidence in the literature in this item. Perhaps tomorrow would be late.

We should be aware of our Scientific Societies, that should probably work on preparing documents standardized on workloads based on the severity of the patients. Work is also studying, researching, making early detection of patients or expand the portfolio of services, because intensive care professionals are versatile and highly decisive.

Everyone who works in ICU would choose working quiet at last if our voices would have into account, in the most favourable human and technical conditions.

We walked in the thin thread between life and death. We do so well because we have prepared ourselves, and those who lead us not know how to do it.

We need media and conscious managers who put in value our work.

But we must also give us the value we have.

No one will do it except us.

Happy Thursday,
