Interior design projects. We talked to our client, he/she exposes us the opinions and needs, and based on that information, we provide a custom design project.
But… Have you ever been asked how would you like to be the hospital you attend as a professional, patient or companion?
If medical centers could take into account all these views we would find spaces where professionals could better develop their work, the family would stay more comfortable and the patientes in a setting more warm and beneficial in their stay. Recoveries would be faster when we find ourselves in a friendly atmosphere. When we feel good we relax and are most receptive.
Today I want to show an example of the result of this dialogue and the results are amazing.
It is a children’s hospital, The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne. It is based on ideas ‘ State of the art’ developed by the hospital around a model of family-centered care. The RCH has given a twist to the traditional system.
Do you want to have a look?. First stop: the rooms.
The result is very complete: natural light, views from the bed, drawings in the closet who have tried to emulate the room of a child. The place where we felt best is at hom: why not making the patient feel at home? Another important detail is the furniture, a sofa and occasional furniture yellow: put aside rancid hospitals colors and properly use warm colors, vivid, contributing energy and positivity.
We continue along the area of Diagnostics:
These spaces impose us. Tension and fear can be reduced by customizing them. This type of transformations relax children and testing may be considered as a game: for sure they behave better.
We ended with the consultations area:
A dynamic and organic space that recreates a dark but bright and airy, background in view queries. I think a very interesting idea: Don´t you think that if a child can see what happens, the stress goes down generating confidence and peace of mind?
I invite you to look this hospital website to learn about their philosophy and design.
And finally… I would like to ask you: what would be your ideal hospital for you?
Mónica Ferrero
Interior design projects, Lab In Action.
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