Neonatal and pediatric intensive care units (NICU and PICU) are units of life…Where a very small percentage of cases children die.

Children die and there are no words to define it…And perhaps we do not have adequate training to face the end of life in these patients.

Thanks to pediatricians as Nadia García Lara (neonatologist) and Lidia Casanueva (intensivist) there is a paradigm shift.Training Workshops as the one done this year for the second time in the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre of Madrid open a door still closed that without a doubt we must keep pushing. It´s posible that we can be intimidated  to see what we have to do to the other side, but that side is without any doubt  part of our work also.

Talking about death in intensive pediatric and neonatal is not putting a final point to the treatments. It must be understood that the end of life does not fail to do, it´s doing otherwise.

Because care in a intensive way is care for the patient, but above all, and above all, take care of people.

Alberto García Salido