Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.

Today we want to give diffussion to XXXVII Congress of Sociedad Valenciana of Critical Care and Coronary Units, (SOVAMICYUC) and XIX Meeting of ICU Nursing.

The congress will held in Valencia, March 5 and 6 in Hospital de Requena.

This is the amazing program, with different items and very attractive session.

Mates from Sociedad Valenciana of Intensive Care have invite us to participate on Friday 6 in the Workshop , “The ICU as vital experience”, in which Dr. Vicente Gómez-Tello, as IC-HU Research Proyect member, will present our ideas and will be happy to share the Congress on behalf of The IC-HU Project.

So, every ICU member, families and patients from the East of Spain: See you at SOVAMICYUC!.

We encourage the Organization, just as we did with #SOMIAMA, to create a hashtag to follow the Conference on twitter, to hang your photos and make a unique and different Congress alltogether.

Happy Wednesday,
