Hola a tod@s, my dear friends,

As a promise is a debt, we got in touch with Montserrat Soler, the auxiliary nurse of Emergency Department of the Hospital Universitario San Juan de Alicante, author of a guide to humanize care of patients and families in this area of the hospital.

Well, really Montse was who contacted me after last week’s post. Media such as ABC have spread this project.

And of course, she wants that everyone can read her work. So if you want to see the document complete (only available in Spanish):

From the IC-HU Project, we will try to find any publisher that makes copies of Montse´s Guide, so if someone believes that could help us, just get in contact! .

Because together, we add more.

Many thanks to Montse, an obvious example that people make the difference, not their shirts.

Happy Tuesday,