Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.

As soon as possible it will be available “The Caring of Invisible”, our speech at TEDxValladolid. I feel very happy for having this chance last Saturday.

Thanks once again to Chema Cepeda by rolling me up to the Red Dot and Belén Viloria for believing that we had an idea worth spreading. The talk is been editing and translating in order to let our message reaches as far as possible, and we will certainly need your help in the diffusion.

At the end of the talk, many people came to give me a hug and tell me about their own experiences. Even, several people made me proposals to collaborate and integrate in some way to the IC-HU Project. It is wonderful to see how the humanization of care touched many souls and how this movement grows and grows and socialize the intensive care units.

Between the proposals, I bring you two.

One, Circolab: an itinerant laboratory of technological-educational experimentation composed by a multidisciplinary team whose mission is to involve people in the process of creating with  a free and collaborative technological perspective.

Their proposal: Technology should be an educational tool open to all the world, useful for resolving issues of everyday life and stimulate the imagination. They are on road by Spain hosting free workshops designed to spark creativity and technological curiosity of people of all ages.

Their invitation has been this: How could we redesign any space of an ICU together?. Let’s see what comes to mind! 

And another, which has no doubt thrilled me, surprised me yesterday in my email inbox:

“I am Antonio Suazo, one of the several persons that came to congratulate you and I would tell you also that I’d like to be able to collaborate with the Project. I’m still with the good taste of the emotions that we passed last Saturday at your wonderful presentation. If instead of a theatre it had been a bullring, you would you have turned the ring!.

I summarize my experience in the field of social skills, or as it´s said in the University, transversal skills.

– Eleven years experience in the Telephone of Hope, in Valladolid, combining two tasks: guidance (attend by phone to those who call) and as a trainer, having given in repeated occasions interpersonal communication courses, care for the caregiver, or self-esteem.

At the University I have also given courses of similar characteristics, but simpler, primarily to teachers and students and one also for nurses at Hospital Universitario Río Hortega in Valladolid. As you know, I live in Valladolid, I am grandfather, retired and I am now very interested in the practice of Meditation.

Let me know if my experience can help you in something. A hug and congratulations on your ability to make us vibrate.


It is awesome to see how individual heroes are put to the service of others for the common well-being. Thank you, dear Antonio. For sure that we take advantage of your wisdom and generosity.

So here we are, starting to pick up the fruits of ” The Caring of Invisible”. We hope many of them.

Happy Wednesday,