Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.
Today we begin the second year of The IC-HU Project with the same energy after 250 post (245 in English) and the satisfaction that the hard work is paying off. Together we are changing the paradigm of the attention of the critical patient to a space more personal and more focused on those small details that make the difference.
We would like to give diffusion to an initiative that will give much to talk about.
Do you know the Awards Hospital Optimista?
This brilliant idea looks for to recognize those practices or projects that improve the environment of the patient and the family. It is a solidarity campaign open to the participation of public and private enterprise, where it is possible any type of collaboration by health professional associations, associations of patients or non-profits associations.
The aim is to highlight those hospitals or health care centers, teams, services and projects working to humanize care to the patient. That patient who we are all.
No doubt: visit their website and its space on twitter @Hosp_Optimista.
The IC-HU Project has already presented his application, and from here we encourage you to add you to this beautiful campaign, either in its dissemination as participating directly, so each day would be more who try to spread smiles in hospitals.
The Ceremony Awards will be held in Valencia on April 28 but the idea is to organice it every year in a different city in Spain.
Would you add? We have until February 28 if you want to apply for the category of hospitals or facilities, or teams and/or services. Until March 15 to apply for the category of projects.
Encourage and participate, we continue making the revolution!
Happy Tuesday,
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