Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.
Published on May 2015 in Intensive Care Medicine, I would like to share the article of Dra. Beatriz Dominguez-Gil (National Organization of Transplants) and authors from UK and Italy.
An article to be very proud of what we do in Spain, and to invite us to reflection: things can be improved, and here we are.
The authors summarized ten changes that could enhance the donations, fundamental and universal task where intensive care workers participate very actively:
1. Routine referral to the donor transplant coordinator
2. Clinical triggers for donor identification.
3. Accurate donor assessment
4. Systematic brain death testing
5. Goal-directed optimization of the brain death donor.
6. Appropriate family approach to discuss the option of organ donation.
7. Education and training for ICU professionals.
8. Audit and performance management A.
9. Identify clinical champions for organ donation
10. Donation as part of end-of-life care.
I invite you to apply your own donor card because all can be perfect for others. Do not forget to spread the word!.
Together we add more.
Happy Friday,
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