Family Centered Care

Patient and family engagement in the ICU

2019-08-02T18:55:51+01:0015 January, 2019|

Last December, Journal of Critical Care published the article Patient and family engagement in the ICU: report from the task force of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, thanks to the leadership of Ruth Kleinpell. Patient and family engagement in the ICU has demosntrated in a recent systematic review and meta-analisys an impact on ICU length of stay [...]

Families in ICU: the evidence of what is obvius

2019-08-02T18:57:12+01:0022 March, 2017|

Hola a todos, my dear friends. Today we are talking about a very interesting open Access article in Intensive Care, published by Drs. Gerritsen, Hartog and Curtis about existing evidence on families-ICU relationship. There is a global trending awareness of the importance family members in the ICU, and the authors point out four reasons why everyone should be incorpórate the relatives in the therapeutic [...]

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