Hola a tod@s my beloved rogue!
Although the article was written in 2012, I think that it is totally valid.
The health care workers get sick to try that people do not.
I want to share this article published in El Pais, written after the publication of the study by SATSE called Perception of stress of nurses in Spain.
Its results leave no doubt.
Eight of every ten nurses feeling stressed and six out of ten suffer from burnout syndrome. More than half also believes that attention to patients has worsened, and eight out of ten consider that there is no sufficient staff. The same proportion understands that not available time in your workday to attend patients as they would like.
Alarming statistics which reflect the progressive deterioration that is suffering our health care system. The cruel paradox that people who need to ensure our health are seeing as their own worse at times because of their work is taking place.
The decisions that take the Government without hearing from professionals, are assuming a serious deterioration of the Spanish health, previously one of the true motives of pride in this country.
The good health of Healthcare providers is synonymous with good health system and citizens.
It´s in the air is the future of a National Health system, which generates wealth and employment, and which is one of the main productive forces of the country.
This is the real match that we should play. It seems the World Cup all eclipses, when things like health or education is going to the disaster.
Happy Friday!
PS: Today we apologise to www.enfermeraenapuros.com, and we wish the greatest success after the opening of her online store.
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