Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.

We want more, and for this we have help. Thanks to José I. Ricarte, a physician in Ibiza and Clown, it will be held at the Hospital Universitario de Torrejón the first Sense of Humor and Clown Fundamentals for Healthcare Providers Workshop, on 9 and 10 December from 15: 30 to 20: 30.

You can click here to download the program (only available in Spanish). I am sure that you will love it! 

We are looking forward to making this first edition, and I’m sure it will be the first of many.

I want to thank publicly again the work of www.enfermeraenapuros.com, by collaborating with her brilliant design of the poster of broadcasting.

As you know, if you are interested apply for the workshop sending an email to formation@torrejonsalud.com. 

There are only 15 seats, you will be notified as soon as possible in order you can close your agendas.

Happy Tuesday,