During this week, the 46th Critical Care Congress of the Society of Critical Care Medicine has been held in Hawaii. Much has been said in networks on topics closely related to #humaniza, but one of them has had special importance.

At the same time of the event, Critical Care Medicine has published “The ABCDEF Bundle: Science and Philosophy of How ICU Liberation Serves Patients and Families”,  with open access. Wes Ely explains thoroughly and through his long experience and background in ICU the ICU LIBERATION philosophy;  why, how, when, what is for, how much and where.

ICU LIBERATION is to magnify human dignity and helping to preserve the self-esteem in patients, both factors that are threatened during the ICU experience. For this reason, it seems an required reading article, and it would serve to build a reflection not only individual but also in all ICU teams: What do we do? How are we doing?.

Here is another gift if you prefer listen to Wes:

Thank you so much to all the ICU LIBERATION team for turning on this so brillant light.

Keep on doing!.

Happy Friday,
