Hola a tod@s, my dear friends

Today we want to share the RISE (Resilience in Stressful Events) created by experts of Johns Hopkins.

It is a training program that tries to take care of the second victims: health professionals who have suffered some traumatic experience after an adverse event or an error at work. The prevalence is between 10 and 43% of us, and this topic has remained hidden during many years.

All health professionals have a variable stress degree by the fact of dealing with patients, regardless of the place where we develop our profession.

Sometimes unexpected events ocurr arising from errors that can cause us problems, or simply our treatment plan is not over as we had hoped. By this feeling of frustration, anguish and guilt we could become “second victims”.

Nobody like to talk about our feelings, “we don’t need aid,” we feel judged.

This program proposes a multidisciplinary support that helps the professional. It is a two day workshop which includes leadership strategies and to confront the challenges, skills, resources and exercises.

It could be a very useful tool for the care of professionals, do not you think?. Click this link to request more information.

We will continue talking about this fascinating topic of second victims, because all of us could be one.

Happy Thursday,