Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.

Last week I had the honor and the pleasure to go to Málaga, invited by the Working Group of Infectious Diseases of the Spanish Society of Intensive Care, Critical Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC).

It’s one of the year’s meetings for Spanish Intensive Physicians, with a high participation of colleagues and a high scientific level.

Dr. Paula Ramírez, current coordinator of the Group contacted me a few months ago to propose me to participate in one table as attractive as groundbreaking: Critical points in the identification of the septic patient.

And in that table, my talk: The response of the intensivist in patient with sepsis but not subject to disproportionate measures.

A very controversial and difficult issue to expose. As in other times, I want to share with you my talk (click here to download the PDF, only available in Spanish). And to work on it, I was helped by excellent professionals, real experts on the subject and better people: Lluis Cabré, Iñaki Saralegui, Vicente Gómez and Mari Cruz Martín.

The last slide summarizes the recipe we propose from the IC-HU Project for the management of this kind of patients, but it may be extrapolated to all people and in any field: RESPECT.

I think this experience could not be better: it is always nice to see the sea for those who don’t have the opportunity to do so day by day; it´s also a wonder to embrace people I love and who lives in Galicia, Valencia, Malaga…or even in Madrid; and it is a real satisfaction to speak and share the humanization in a so Medical Scientific Forum, where it seems that the concept of care is gradually included as that fine rain that Paco Fernández would say.

Therefore, I just want to thank the Organization and to all those who attending the talk. 

Happy Wednesday, 
