Hola a todos, my dear friends.
Some weeks ago, Pedro Martín-Barrajon, health psychologist and coordinator of the Group of Linkedin Psychology of urgencies and emergencies, Emergencies Spanish (AEM) 112 Madrid Association, with more than 2000 followers, published an excellent paper on psychological support to professionals in the emergency.
Psychological support to the professionals of emergency, by Silvia Esteban, Unai blacksmiths, Maitane Iglesias and Leyre Larrañaga is a very short, barely 20 pages document, that reviews many of the fields that can affect professionals who work in emergency: Burnout, wear by empathy, vicarious traumatization, secondary traumatic stress, critical incident stress; and presents strategies to deal with problems: prevention and intervention.
Finally, it provides resources that may be useful to work with people who present these problems.
Of course, reading recommended from IC-HU Project and that we can to give maximum diffusion.
Happy Tuesday rogue… and get ready for the surprises that we’re preparing!
obviously an interesting paper….but I prefer english so I can read and understand your paper
Thanks for your comment Norbert, but the paper was wrote in Spanish. I will tell Pedro to traslate it. Best Regards!