Hola a tod@s, my dear rogue!
Next week is going to start The X Panamerican Congress and Iberian of Critical Care Medicine which will be held in Madrid from 15 to 18 June.
I feel very lucky as member of SEMICYUC, which is a part of the Organizing Committee of an event of such magnitude where we will share a few days with professionals in Intensive Care Medicine of all parts of the world.
I think it is an opportunity for my Scientific Society, my city and for our country, benchmarking for many professionals in the critical patient, be guests of such an event.
And as it seems that we are in a time of change and nothing is casual, I received in my email the call for annual meeting of members, which will take place on Tuesday, June 17. After the famous and controversial post of our colleague Ana de Pablo on his fantastic blog Curar a veces, aliviar a menudo, consolar siempre (I invite you to visit), I think that you we need members of SEMICYUC to go massively to the Assembly (formal convocation).
As I said publicly and personally to Ana, from my point of view that is correct forum where we should exerce the right to complaint, ask for explanations and find imaginative solutions. We probably need a deep restructuring of the way of doing things, and it is essential to have the opinion of everyone. SEMICYUC belongs to members, just wanting to work and it will be what we want to be.
I worked a year and a half as SEMICYUC Webmaster, and in that period I understood the amount of work that is done to the Society and which had no idea: meetings of Board of Directors, working groups, and so on.
My personal tribute for the group that was my team: Miguel Ferrero and Guillermo Holguín computing phenomena and the outstanding Executive Secretary, Maria José Cuesta. Nobody works as they do, they are essential to our Society and never sufficiently recognized. Now they will be working very hard, and always in the shade.
You are a few cracks! As the same of the rest of the workers of the office of the Paseo de Reina Cristina.
See you in Madrid, #BienvenidosaMadrid compañer@s!!
And SEMICYUC Members who wants a change… see you in the Assembly
PS: If you still don´t have accomodation , please contact my friend of Venezuela Anibal Valladares in valladares77@hotmail.com (rent flats very central and very cheap)
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