Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.
Yesterday I had the possibility to meet in person the Center of Humanization of the Health, which is located in Tres Cantos, Madrid. It is a Center endorsement by Community of Madrid and that performs assistance work, palliative care, and teaching.
In IC-HU Project we already knew that they are a reference and we had disseminated its work in other previous post (Humanizing healthcare and Today in IC-HU Project…The humanizing of Health Center), but honestly, the web is not the same that the face to face.
I’m still in shock. If you do not know the Center or you have not had the opportunity to visit it, it seems to me a need to do it. Indeed, in IC-HU Project will make a video to give you a first contact, but I repeat: you should go.
For many words that could seek to describe the Centre, the people I met, the palliative care unit… nothing is comparable to go to the ground, as in almost everything. One understands the concept of architecture for health when you visit the Centre: wide and functional spaces designed with the head and heart and always for the Human being. Spectacular.
We share many ideas and many initiatives, and one of then an very important: the training is essential if we want our projects to come to fruition.
In IC-HU Project we think that we should not open the doors of the ICU without relational skills to do this, because if not, in the first conflict will close them again.
We should learn to communicate, listen and empathize. And we can learn about these skills.
For this reason, I want to share with everybody they formative offer before the start of the academic course, that it is an extensive postgraduate training: Masters and Universitary Diplomas .
There are Masters face to face, such as Counselling or intervention in duel, distance with face-to-face sessions as the Diploma of University specialization, humanization of health and of social intervention or in multidisciplinary palliative care Diploma and also training exclusively online, as the Master’s degree in relationship of support and Counselling.-mode ONLINE. (all of them only available in Spanish).
Many of them can be followed as well in Barcelona thanks to Fundación Pere Tarrés – Universidad Ramón Llull.
The Universidad Católica de Valencia also teaches a Master´s degree in relationship of support and Counselling.
And if you don’t have time, click on training and you will see the enormous amount of courses carried out that give training to more than 25,000 people a year.
The offer is varied and can serve us much in our daily work. So if you are interested, do not doubt it, get in touch with Felicidad Vicente (0034918060696, distancia@humanizar.es).
Without more, we will inform you of their activities and we encourage you to visit the Center.
Thanks to Diana, Felicidad and Jose Carlos for making me feel at home.
Happy Thursday,
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