Yes, “miracles” exist.
And I put it in quotes because the real miracle is not to lose hope nowadays and you should fight for what you want.
But, don’t miss it! Because if you don’t, you’ll find the job you were looking for or what you desire.
If you read the post I wrote for my application to Editor, you know what I said to my last chief.
I set out to vacuum, I devoted myself to that project that had to abandoned, and I felt happy for the first time in a long time.
AND… VOILA, the “miracle” happened. After seek it with all my strength, not to be still drowning me in despair, and calling every door with much of effrontery, finally I will work as a nurse in the special service I wanted: The intensive Care Unit.
I know that it is not easy to follow with mood on many occasions. Nursing has suffered a great abuse in recent years. But do not be conformed.
Visualize what you want, how you want it to be your public health, and fight for it.
Position yourself where you want to be in this game.
Really, believe me, if you want it, everything comes.
Nurse in distress sends lots of positive energy for all nurses.
Because we are awesome!
Recommendation: read “The secret”.
Ana Polegre
While I am all for science-based positive psychology I strongly recommend NOT reading 'The Secret'. It, and it's pseudo-scientific 'Law of Attraction', is pure psycho-babble.
Hi Chris!! Congrats!! It´s the first English comment of IC-HU Project!! Obviously I respect your comment but it´s funny: you called yourself precordialthump and you talk about evidence? That has not many sense…what do you think?
Hi Gabi
The twitter handle is just a name – it makes no recommendations or evidence claims. If anything it signifies how the flux of the 'operative truth' based on the ebb and flow of evidence. The best thing about a skeptical mindset is that you don't mind being proven wrong.
I may be missing something, perhaps it is lost in translation, but is the recommendation to read the 'The Secret' serious? Is the claim that if you want something enough it will happen, really serious? I hope I am missing something!
Chris Nickson
Emergency Physician and Intensivist
(LITFL, RAGE podcast, SMACC, etc)
Thanks again Chris for your comment. Ana Polegre is Editor in IC-HU Project and she is free to write and recommend whatever she wants.
As you, I have a really skeptical mindset but in 13 years working as intensivists, I don´t know what the truth is. Our work is clearly conditioned by pharmaceutical industry and all of us can think about why illness like malaria, dehydration or diarrhea still remain killing people.
I haven´t read "The Secret", have you?.
Perhaps doctors need to look with other eyes, because this world needs a Change. People need a Change.
That´s the IC-HU Project objetive: stop and think about if we are right doing the things we do.
Perhaps we should keep talking with two beers!!
Thanks again
Gabi Heras
I’m the writer of this post. Just a thought: Anything that could help to make people happier, should be NOT recommended???. It is not wrong to be skeptical, you understand, I am too. But in these times that run nowadays, especially in this country, many people don't need as much scientific evidence, they need a little more than confidence that things may be fine if they do not come down. This book comes to reflect that a bit. It is not a book that change you life, or get you more knowledge. Simply is an injection of energy to believe that change is (within each) inside of us, not on the outside. And of course it is based on the evidence, on the evidence of the history.
As patient I would like to tell me that being positive, things will improve. This book is not the only book that talks about this, but it helps to think so, why not recommend it?. Mind is everything, isn't it?
“Apurados” greetings.
Enfermera en apuros.(Nurse in Distress)