Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.

We are freaking out with Salvador Casado (@doctorcasado) again, and of course, we have to talk about his post As a physician I recommend Meditation to my patients (available in Spanish). Very brave and very sensible, so from The IC-HU Project we rowing in the same direction.

Spain is the second country in medicine usage. Do you think is amazing, don´t you?

So, Salvador did an easy search in PubMed about Meditation and Mildfulness.

Our friends from El blog Alternativo also has written about the benefits of Meditation.

In addition to being FOR FREE, it reduces the physical symptoms of anxiety, stress or depression; facilitates relax and awareness with oneself; give peace and helps us to a better manage of the pain.

Because all of us know that drugs are not the solution. It is our duty as healthcare providers educating the population. Take consciousness, take responsibility and learn from ourselves is the adventure of our lives. Look inside to be better.

We also share the how to do it, you can also find on his blog the post Resources to learn and practice Mindfulness.

We know that there are already hospitals and primary care centers which have organized courses and workshops that have been a success, so if you know any experience or you want to tell yours, don’t hesitate to contact with us to share it.

Happy Wednesday,