Last June we started the first collaborative research project collaborative of IC-HU Project in order to discover and prioritize the main informational demands of family members of patients admitted to ICU.

More than 150 ICU professionals offered to participate and contribute in it, representing 66 ICU in Spain and many others throughout the world.
For operational reasons, we started in Spain, with the intention of replicate it in other countries.
Thanks to the work of all the participants, we have just completed the first phase in which over two thousand questions we recorded, which we have reviewed, organized and synthesized to exclude replays or which refer to a pathological process concrete not expandable to the generality of the family.
After that period of analysis and debugging of the results, we are going to start the second planned phase.
All researchers will receive the necessary documentation to go forward.
Soon, we will have sufficient information to closer to know what family really want to know and who are the professionals considered by them who can solved different doubts.
Thank you all for your cooperation and thank you in advance for the cooperation in the next researchs.
This type of researchs would not be possible without your collaborative attitude and the disinterested participation, no further claims that improve the care we provide in our units.
We are still adding together.
Member of IC-HU Research Project.
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