Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.

Today we make an exception in our holiday break to share great news with you.
Intensive Care Medicine has just published on line another article signed by IC-HU Project members: Dra. Ángela Alonso of the ICU of Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada and myself.

ICU: a branch of hell?
(click here to access the article)

To understand the article, you have to see the following interview with Pablo Motos in El Hormiguero, where Cristina Cifuentes (current President of the Community of Madrid), talks about her experience as ICU patient after a traffic accident at the Hospital Universitario de La Paz.

Source: Antena3 (only available in Spanish)

We hope that ICU no longer will be perceived by our patients as branches of hell, to be “Branches of life”. For this purpose we share the next tables already published on the blog and that can help us to improve the physical and psychological well-being of our patients.

Can you help us in the diffusion?
Thanks so much,