Hola a tod@s my dear rogue:
As you know,X Panamerican Congress and Iberian of Critical Medicine and Intensive Therapy is being held in Madrid, and it has been fantastic. From IC-HU Project, our most sincere congratulations on the Organization to all the Scientific Societies: FEPIMCTI, SECIP, SEEIUC, official College of Physiotherapists of Madrid and SEMICYUC.
In addition, they has given us the opportunity to make the first face-to-face meeting of what we have called the IC-HU NETWORK:
This is a a cross-sectional group which includes patients, a psychologist, nurses and physicians who will work in a multidisciplinary way to achieve clear objectives and to improve ICU from Spain and the rest of the world.
The members of the group are:
Dr. Mari Cruz Martin (head of service of the ICU of the Hospital Universitario de Torrejón), Dr. Angela Alonso (Coordinator of the Working Group of Planning, Organization and Management, Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada), Dr. Dolores Escudero (head of service of the ICU of the Hospital Central de Asturias), Dr. Vicente Gomez-Tello (Coordinator of the Working Group of Evaluation of Technologies and Research Methodology, Hospital Moncloa in Madrid), Concha Zaforteza (ICU nurse and Vice-Dean of the University of the Balearic Islands), Pilar Delgado (Director of the Journal Enfermería Intensiva, nurse ICU, currently at the University of Barcelona), Laura de la Cueva (ICU nurse and Pd candidate at the University of Barcelona), Kathy Torpie (ICU patient, psychologist and international speaker) and also attended the dinner Dr. Nicolás Nin (Coordinator of the Working Group of Acute Respiratory Failure, from Uruguay) and Veronica Rojas (ICU nurse, Universidad de los Andes, from Chile), as well as the Editors of the blog Ana Polegre (www.enfermeraenapuros.com) and José Sesmero (ICU nurse and co-administrator of the blog).
This is the selection, which of course is open to new incorporations and which will try to merge all the efforts at national and international level in the humanization of the intensive care.
Many thanks to everyone. We have a long way to go.
We can do it all.
Gabi Heras
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