Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.
The Journal Enfermería Intensiva,of the Spanish Society of Intensive Care and Coronary Units Nursing (SEEIUC) , has published in its online version an editorial called as this post.
This is the first publication of IC-HU Project in a Scientific Journal, so we couldn’t be happier because we’re in PubMed. I was fortunate to receive this opportunity and work with Concha Zaforteza, the wise first on the topic with I contacted and instantly wanted to go up to this project. Working with someone who you respect so much and admire is very great.
You will understand that for us it is a historic date, and dad by fact that come many more publications that will make a change in the paradigm of Medicine of this wonderful adventure.
I can´t share the full article, but I leave the last paragraph to invite you to get it:
“We need it. Our value is our profession and we only know how to do it. We are obliged to recover the passion for it, the passion for the human, the passion for health as a shared value. We are the engines of change: none other than each one of us can stand to think and discern how we can change our reality, our environment, our ICU. Remember that the IC-HUs of the 21st century will be written with H as in Human. It depends on us.”
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