Hola a todos, my dear friends.
We start the year full of energy and good purposes. If 2016 was great for #humaniza, 2017 will be spectacular.
As we have already been announcing, we are about to open our platform for training in “H” skills because most of you have requested them. Technical skills usually are not discussed, and in Proyecto HU-CI we take them for granted since the study and further training are our duty as professionals.
But… What happens with not technical skills (they are usually wrong called as “soft skills”)?. Because when a person comes in contact with the health system, in addition to cure he/she also wants and needs other things. We firmly believe that healthcare professionals need emotional, psychosocial, relational, ethical, spiritual and cultural skills. And we have not acquired them during our university education.
Being able to perceive emotions and understand them, listening actively and with empathy; accompanying with courage, presence and compassion in the toughest times of human beings; learning real teamwork, with optimism and developing our vocation through creativity; auto – taking care to heal using mindfulness, yoga and stress reduction techniques.
The offer of Proyecto HU-CI seeks the development of formative experiences: we intend that when someone decides to make one of our proposals, the experience would be so rich and intense to change our way of working and be a before and an after. Many courses will be face-to-face and for reduced groups; others will be semi-present and others purely online; and they will be developed everywhere where needed or demanded. And of course, all the activities will be accredited and with a design and format super-cool. For this, we will count with the best experts committed with the humanization in every topic, and the success will be for sure.
Soon, we will publish the first trainings and enable the HU-CI CAMPUS web area. As advance, the first experiences training will be the following:
• Humanizing ICU weekend (February 3rd and 4th, in Madrid.) It is still available and the inscriptions remain open)
• Self-care of the professional through Mindfulness and Yoga (March 31st to April 2ng, Rascafria-Madrid-)
• Taking care of the professional: professional wear in ICU and burnout syndrome.
• Communication in ICU.
• Resilience
• How tp open the doors of your HU-CI and not die trying it.
• The patient experience at ICU
So… Let´s go!. Great expectations in this new stage and the team of Proyecto HU-CI proposal.
Happy 2017.
We will continue changing and putting the H to our ICU together.
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