Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.
“Humanization, Science and Technology” is the title of the XLIII Annual Conference of the Mexican College of Intensive Care Medicine (COMMEC) which is taking place from October 16th until next Saturday in the beautiful city of Veracruz.
Dra. Mari Cruz Martín, current Vicepresident of the Spanish Society of Intensive care Medicine, Critical and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC) and member of the international research project for the humanization of the Intensive Care has traveled to Mexico.
Mari Cruz has had the honor of talking in the opening ceremony with the talk “Humanization in the Intensive care Unit” in the Act of inauguration held on Monday 17th.
She is also participating in multiple sessions during the Congress, discussing management during the final stage, standards and indicators of quality and leadership in ICU.
On Friday 21st is going to be held the workshop “Technology and humanized medicine” with the doctors Jordi Mancebo, Dulce María D´ector and Alfredo Felipe.
You can consult the whole program here (only available in Spanish) and follow the hashtag #COMMEC16.
The truth, there cannot be more happy. Something is changing in ICU around the world when the H of #humaniza H is becoming increasingly more present.
Happy Congress to our Mexican friends!
Happy Tuesday,
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