The motto of Proyecto HU-CI “The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire” alludes to the powerful force of human being committed to an objective, and points out a vision of the humanisation of health where the care of the professional can not be missed, because the team is the agent of this process of humanisation.
From that perspective, in Proyecto HU-CI we believe it is essential to attend one of the main psychosocial risks of work that affect ICU staff: professional wear (burnout), other syndromes that overlap, such as compassion fatigue and moral stress.
Training ICU professionals in the knowledge, detection early of symptomatology, management and control of the syndrome, is one of the objectives for convert the ICU in a #humanICU. Helping to develop emotional and relational competences that allow a better management of the emotional demands of the work in them, reinforcing the values of connection with work (engagement), and knowing the own strengths, to facilitate filling “backpack” of #humantools to deal with every day and, if possible, enjoy a job that can be exciting.
All these are our ambitious objectives in our course blended “Taking care to the professional of the critically ill patient: professional wear in ICU”. We have tried to make the course who we would like to receive, i.e.:
– A course that provides the theoretical learning enough for an adequate knowledge of the subject, science-based, but entertaining.
– To provide the necessary material for the course and to deepen more if you want.
– The material is traditional (e.g. scientific articles on the topic) but also more alternative (movies, not scientific, readings, videos, etc.). Because to learn you have to get excited.
– To facilitate the self-learning: we want to bring what you are going to learn to your daily practice and your particular case.
– To allow easy interaction with teachers and also with mates from other ICU, to share experiences and learn from each other.
In the on line part of the course we will try to of know the characteristics of the wear professional and how is this process develops in ICU. At the same time, we begin in the learning of all those tools that allow us handle the risk.
In the face-to-face part, we give by known theory, so it will be eminently practical. We have designed a full day action, with with group dynamics, individual exercises, role playing… We promise you an amazing workshop!
We are already warming. This is our offer and compromise, why not start to take care of your soul on fire?.
- Beginning online part: April 24th
- Face to face part (Teaching classroom of ICU, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, in Madrid): June 22nd from 10am a 2pm y de 4pm a 8h
Click here to see the program and fill your form.
¡¡Don´t miss it!!
The teaching team: Macarena Gálvez, José Manuel Gómez and Mari Cruz Martín.
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