2016 is ending. A year of giving and receiving for me.

53 talks of Proyecto HU-CI around Spain, Portugal, Bolivia, Ecuador and Argentina.

The publication of the ICU Humanization Plan, one chapter of a book, for new scientific articles signed by our research group, the #benditalocura (holy madness), five awards (one of them international), 5 new scientific societies endorsements… and above all, the reality that things are really changing thanks to you, the thousands of people that I had the fortunate of meeting in these 365 days all over the world.

And an of the things more wonderful that I received was to train myself in the cultivation of the compassion thanks to Nirakara and especially to Gonzalo Brito.

Compassion is a fundamental tool for all people in general, but especially useful for healthcare professional who so many times are exposed to the suffering of  human beings. Training the detection of that suffering through mindfulness, presence and the courage to join in the most difficult moments and wanting to help people and understand them: all that is compassion and it´s difficult to understand a professional of intensive care without this tool.

Of course, Proyecto HU-CI will offer the Compassion Cultivation Training within its catalogue in Human Tools that we will offer in 2017. Meanwhile, you can register at the courses currently open in Madrid and Seville during February and March, 2017.

As this is the last post of the year, I want to make a gift that I received precisely in this course: the documentary HUMAN.

What is what makes us human? What do we love, why we fight,  laugh or cry? What is our curiosity? Why do we search of discoveries? Led by these questions, the filmmaker and artist Yann Arthus-Bertrand  spent three years collecting stories from the real life of 2000 men and women in 60 countries. Working with a dedicated team of translators, journalists and cameras, Yann captures very personal and deep issues that join us: the fight against the poverty, the war and the homophobia and the future of our planet. All this mixed with moments of love and happiness.

My gift for Christmas: the 3 volumes of the film that may live the experience of #WhatMakesUsHUMAN.

Happy 2017 there where you are!
