Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.

“Black Friday” in the IC-HU Project also!. But with another philosophy…

Today we want to share three talks of the recent table “The ICU before, during and after” during SOMIAMA, the meeting of the Intensive Care Society of Madrid.

First of all, we must thank the generosity of the brilliant speakers, Tayra, Maria and Ana. From three chronological points of view, they taught us basic and fundamental things for our day to day. Listen and learn with you vas a delight.

No more to add, you can click the following links to download their presentations (only available in Spanish):

(Don´t miss the film “The descendants”)

You can contact the authors via twitter to ask the questions your questions, or even to thank them (why not?): Tayra Velasco, María Acevedo and Ana de Pablo

What is not given, it is lost.

Happy Friday, 
