Hola a tod@s, my dear amig@s:
It is for my gratifying to announce that in 2015, HU-CI project organised in Madrid together with the Center of Humanization of Health (@Humanizar_es), the National Conference on humanization.
This year, the main theme of which will be the 20th Conference of our friends is Intensive Care, and we look forward to the assistance of many of you live and thousands more via streaming.
As there is so much to do, we ask you to get in touch with us (gabihache@hotmail.com) before December 22, 2014 to send proposals for topics and speakers, because on those dates, we will close the program. We will try to make it as attractive as possible, and it will also have workshops and courses.
We are preparing a press kit to get partnerships and sponsors, so if anyone has ideas about which companies might be interested in the Conference, let us know please. To greater collaboration, lower will be the registration fee and I assure you it will be very competitive, so no one will miss it.
I am sure with the help of everybody, we will do this Conference a meeting point for people, regardless of their status. A forum for listening and a space where the Center will be the human being: sick people, their families and professionals.
We are still committed to the revolution.
21st century medicine is people-centered.
Happy Tuesday.
Gabri, you make my dream come true, to organize an international congress on humanizing intensive care .I think our group will love to participate and i will send you some ideas before 22 december .Keep in touch Lorette
I think it is the time to organize an international conference and join forces,inspire. Together with ex patients and relatives. And with Humanizing of Health, Hearts in Healthcare,ELAHC,Compassion for Care,Smacc Gold,Foam,ICM,SCCM,ESICM,The HumanICU,FCIC and Radboud Reshape Academy,Venticare,and the Cleveland Clinic…and some companies like Philips,Apple,Funatic,Pfizer,Orion Pharma Arseus Medical…you name it,companies with a vision on humanizing healthcare.You can think of some more ….enough inspiration …2016 ?!