The change in the clinical relationship demand healthcare workers a plus in providing quality care. The knowledge, technical skills and the training received, should be always accompanied by a human quality.

Thus, one of the most important values that different health professionals must learn is empathy. Using it, we try to understand the vision of the other.

One of the key elements to be able to reflect on the importance of values in health care, is to know the opinion of professionals, patients and family members with respect to the care received, in order to establish strategies for improvement together.

Under this objective, and as initiative and interest of a group of students of 4th year level of nursing, of Faculty of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Chiropody from the Complutense University of Madrid arise the first Conference on Values, as a point of contact between various protagonists, to know the different prisms and visions that influence health care , and reflect on the elements that condition the clinical relationship, based on experiences of patients, family members and healthcare professionals.

La primera mesa, Más allá del paciente, será moderada por Doña Paloma Gómez y contará como ponentes con:

Various rapporteurs, through their experiences (living with ALS, overcoming a cancer) will try to bring us closer to different situations that may arise during the care process (awakening from a coma, care at the end of life, humanizing Intensive Care…), to provide the new generations a greater sensitivity towards one of the most important points of attention: A MORE HUMAN CARE.

The first table, Beyond the patient, will be moderated by Mrs. Paloma Gómez and will feature the next speakers:

The second table, Another point of view, will be moderated by Jesús Sánchez Martos, and the speakers will be:

The meeting will take place on Thursday, May 14, at the Faculty of Medicine of the UCM, at the Ramón y Cajal Assembly Room, from 9 to 14:30 h.

Inscriptions can be made until full capacity is reached through the next link.

Therefore, we encourage you to participate and contribute to the reflection on the importance of values.

Don´t miss it!

Tayra Velasco
Organizing Committee of the Conference