Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.
Crazy and amazing week, for sure.After the exciting and intense day in the Course of Bioethics of Palencia, yesterday morning I did a rest to continue forward. In the afternoon, we started the course Compassion Cultivation Training. Every Wednesday for two months, Marisol Martínez and me are stopping and focusing on this Human tool. We will keep you informed, but the first class was simply wonderful.
And tomorrow, we will begin the day with the IX National Nursing Conference in the Hospital Universitario of Móstoles. This year, the title is “Humanizing the process of care”, and we participate together with José Sesmero in the first table “Humanization: integral vision”. In the event, great friends related with humanization will participate, as José Carlos Bermejo and Cristina Muñoz (Center of Humanization of Health), Luis Pradillos (PayasoSalud), Raquel Franco (Facilitación Sanitaria) and Cristina González del Yerro, of the General Subdirection of Humanization of Health of the Goverment of Madrid.
In the afternoon, we will participate together with José Manuel Velasco and by second consecutive year in the Jornadas de Medicina Intensiva do Porto and that are the event of the year for the ICU in Portugal.This is the full program, again with a very provocative title. This time I will moderate the table of “Transversals skills in the critically ill patient” with Irene Aragao and after that, we will discuss about the humanization of the ICU asking “What do we do in our ICU?”, talking about the project and visitation policies. We will close the day with the reading of the Declaration of Torrejón.
As you can see, this does not stop. And there is much to do.
We will follow!
Happy Thursday
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