Hola a todos, mis queridos amigos.

As you know, yesterday we published a small form to test the current situation of humanization of our ICU, to take a first photography of how we are now for know to where going.

Here the first results are, and we encourage you to continue to send responses from all parts of the world.

Replies in the first 24 hours: 61 (only one repeat of the same ICU).

Countries (12): Spain, Argentina, England, Costa Rica, Colombia, Italy, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Turkey, Ecuador, Peru.

ICU which have sent response (to not repeat):

Hospital Universitario de Torrejón, Torrevieja salud, HIGA Gral San Martín de La Plata, Municipal Héctor Cura, Hospital general de Granollers, Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro, Hellin, Ruber Internacional, Clínico Valencia, Uci Polivalente Doce de Octubre, La Fe, Son Espases, Mancha Centro de Alcázar de San Juan , Son LLàtzer, Royal And Broadgreen Hospital Liverpool, H. U. de Fuenlabrada, Joan XXIII, Hospital Quirón Málaga, Hospital universitario Virgen De las Nieves, San Juan de Alicante, México, San Juan de Dios de Córdoba, Gregorio Marañon, Universitario Los Arcos del Mar Menor, Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa, Infanta Sofia, Clínica Universitaria Bolivariana, Perpetuo socorro, Clínica Norte de Cúcuta, Hospital Infanta Margarita de Cabra, University and Spedali Civili of Bresscia, Lifecenter Hospital, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, UCI clínica Universitaria de Concepcion Chile, Lozano Blesa, Complejo hospitalario universitario de Ourense, Sanatorio la Entrerriana, Consorci Sanitari del Garraf, Hospital Obregòn, H 12 octubre Madrid / UCI Pediátrica, Medical Sciences University, Dr.Behcet Uz Children’s Research and Training Hospital, Osi Araba sede Txagorritxu, Servicio Reanimación del Hospital de Albacete, Hospital Universitario San Juan Alicante, Clínica Rey David, Clínica Dávila, Hospital Clínico Mutual de Seguridad, Hospital Universitario Infantil de San Jose, Hospital Clínico de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Lambayeque, Regional de Talca, Carlos Cisternas, Hospital Luis Gabriel Davila, Hospital Universitario Albacete, Doctor Peset de Valencia, Clínica alemana de Santiago, Hospital Interzonal General San Martín y Hospital Geral de Fortaleza.


The response “other” includes things such as: safety entertainment of the patients, facilitation of technology, Oversedation, reorientation of therapeutic goals and rehabilitation.

Many interesting data, aren´t they?. All the actions of improvement by less than 50% of implementation in the first 61 results.

Thank you all who have already replied. We will contact you to send the plan of humanization of the ICU and put us at your service to help in the implementation.

We encourage you to continue sending replies. As you can see, there is a long way to go, and we are going to do all together, every ICU at its own pace and according the possibilities and the environment.

But all of us have to get to the same place.

Happy Thursday,