It seems that there is no doubt that “the humanization revolution” is real. At least in networks what means that it is also true in the mind and the purposes of those who belong to them and thus transmit it.
The problem is that the organizations (and their representatives) sometimes show a too contradictory message and we can see (occasionally more of the desirable) the lack of correspondence between the good intentions expressed and the measures put in place to carry them out.
That on my land is called “to sell smoke” and I think it can do a disservice to this movement in which multiple organizations (and their representatives) to join a few messages and slogans that do not provide real content.
After saying this, I think that we must add value to those other institutions that have bet and bet for consistency in their speech with concrete and applicable programs that show unquestionable results.
And the case of the National Organisation of Transplants (ONT) and its commitment to training in communication, as a vehicle to achieve other objectives, by all known and which make us regarding worldwide.
Mamen Segovia is the Director of the “Course of communication in critical situations” of the ONT and, therefore, responsible for the training of thousands of professionals in communication skills in very diffucult moments. It would be impossible and unfair not relate the good results in donation with the proper training in everything related to the process of the professionals involved. I think one of the best examples that when people believe in something, appropriate measures are taken and checked constantly to improve them, the findings accompany.
Last week, we had the opportunity to enjoy once again her company and knowledge of Mamen, in a busy day (in all aspects) organized by SATSE Málaga. Twenty nurses of different health care fields have proven training in communication is a pending task in the institutions.
We often believe that we learn to communicate by copying models of older colleagues and get that knowledge almost exclusively from the experiences (good and bad), but experience by itself does not improve communication skills.
Mamen has shown us and clarified various aspects that serve as a basis for a deeper and for this new experience, based on these basic premises, carry out good results. She made us see how, on the basis of the personal experiences which demonstrate needs, the professional approach should be planned. And we must have clear objectives and skills to get them. A few hours of analysis, empathy, respect and authenticity in what she herself is the best example.
A day in which was perceived the generalized desire by attendees to practice, almost impatiently, skilled resources worked and probably mark a turning point in the approach to communication of all of them.
We should take advantage of those who know this item, to turn the humanizing wave into the reality of the ICU.
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