Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.
Today I want to introduce you the Center for Humanizing Critical Care of Intermountain Medical Center, which is lead by Samuel Brown established in 2013 in Murray, Salt Lake City.
Multidisciplinary clinical research focus on helping patients and family members make it
through life-threatening illnesses and injuries with their humanity intact. They look for transforming the way we care for patients and families in intensive
care units and during their transition back to normal life.
through life-threatening illnesses and injuries with their humanity intact. They look for transforming the way we care for patients and families in intensive
care units and during their transition back to normal life.
In short, our Alter Ego on the other side of the Atlantic!. Congratulations from Spain!
We share today two very recent publications in journals with high impact:
1. We still lack patient centered visitation in intensive care units, published in BMJ, where they talks about weak and paternalistic arguments that are still being used to restrict family visits to patients in intensive care.
2. Defining patient and family engagement in the intensive care unit, published in AJRCCM, where the family participation in the intensive care is defined as a partnership between professionals, patients and families to improve the health, quality and safety of care
Source: AJRCCM
Without a doubt, something join us regardless of our place in the world. And every day we are more who work in any part of the world in to make this dream a reality
Imagine working all together.
Happy Friday,
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