Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.
I want to show the next picture just published in
Intensive Care Medicine, the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine journal:
It was sent to the journal by Julie Vavuris, a Medical-Surgical ICU nurse in California. One of her patients wrote it while she was in a proof of spontaneous ventilation waking up from sedation with profofol. They were accompanying her mother and Julie.
ICU Delirium is the web of reference on this important topic and often so unknown by patientes, families and even professionals.
A reflection on delirium in ICU that comes at a time when nothing is casual.
Speaking of delirium in ICU is speaking of the person and the research group that has been doing since 1990s and researching about it:
Dr. Wesley Ely and his team at Vanderbilt University. More than 180 impact publications which have changed clinical practice and have made ICUs nicer places.ICU Delirium is the web of reference on this important topic and often so unknown by patientes, families and even professionals.
The website includes information for patients, including tools, videos, testimonials and a lot useful basic information, as well as for professionals, with more than 40 downloadable documents (among others the famous CAM-ICU is included).
ABCDEF bundle deserves a separate post, and its own creators will be who talk us about it.With interests so close and confluent on one of the lines of research of the IC-HU Project, we want to celebrate this new international contact.Together we add more and will research about the delirium, the post-ICU síndrome and the consequences derived from the stay: pain, psychological disturbances, etc. I will be telling, and as you know: the doors are open for anyone who wants to participate.
Happy Friday,
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