Hola a tod@s, my dear friends.

Everyone is talking and saying things about ebola virus. Yesterday, a friend from Argentina sent me a message: “Gabi, when are you publishing a post?”.

Of course as everyone else, I follow the information and for sure as many of you sometimes I can not give credit to statements of people who supposedly should organize all this madness.

I believe that it is the responsibility of health professionals not to throw more gasoline to the subject, I just want to share with you 2 links, which for me have been the best that has been written and we all, as population and people, need to hear.

The first: the link to the Huffington post which I discovered thanks to Dra. Antonia Socías of the Multidisciplinary Unit of Sepsis of the ICU, Hospital Son Llàtzer:

11 reasons why should not spread panic in Spain (only available in Spanish)

And the second, the Cadena Cope interview (only available in Spanish) with our colleague Dra. Marta Lado of Hospital Universitario de Torrejón, specialist in Internal Medicine and who currently is working precisely in Sierra Leone with people affected by the virus.

We need experts to speak and to give a message of calm.To scan failures in the system and the authorities to coordinate a seamless plan. The Spanish society of intensive care (SEMICYUC) has published  a protocol in August which I also share with you.

First of all, keep calm and analysis capability. And unit.

Patience, understanding and serenity (to paraphrase José Manuel Velasco), there will be time to ask the management responsibilities in due course.

Happy Friday,