To be admitted into a Hospital means an emotional trauma for anyone. It causes the breakdown of daily life. From HU-CI Mancha Centro, we contribute to alleviate loneliness and isolation faced by our patients through reading. Reading has an important role in our daily lives. It brings many benefits as preventing states of anxiety and depression related to the process of hospitalization.
Reading distracts the patient, makes him/her forget the situation, connecting to the outside, calming and improving mood.
Our ICU has created last April a mini library. We offer to our patients hobbies, newspapers, magazines, books and e-books. All of them received from contributions of colleagues, friends and family. Thanks to all for making this project come true!.
In addition, we want you to participate in our First Short Stories Competition, seeking to get the best possible information about patients who have lived an experience in ICU. But we are also interested in knowing how lived it the family and in the same way professionals working in an ICU.
You can consult the rules to participate here (only available in Spanish), and follow our Facebook group.
From the IC-HU of Hospital La Mancha Centro, in Alcazar de San Juan, all together with #humaniza.
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